Our highly innovative services. Concentrate on your core strengths, we will take care of the rest for you.
We know that you are on top of the Premier League, that you want to be the first to launch a new product and that you need to focus on your projects, your core strengths and timelines.
That's why we have so many great services on offer. We do contract research, we develop and produce on request and we find the right products and bring you together with the best international experts.
… and all of this with adherence to your time and budget specifications.

„Together we can change perception, achieve goals and find solutions. Excellence and competence are our top priority. We work together at eye level from scientist to scientist."
Dr. Lothar Steeb and Dr. Peter Frost, CEOs PELOBIOTECH GmbH
Our services at a glance.
Let us do the hard work, you deserve the best.
Market demands are often breathing down your neck, delays are costly and excruciating. So let us support you to ease the path and to reach your goals.
Let us do the hard work, you deserve the best.
Cell Culture Media Development & Production
We develop media for primary cells, adult stem cells or for your application. So far we have already developed classical and defined media for Primary Cells, xeno-free media for Mesenchymal Stem Cells or tested different media compositions for a specific application.
Ask us what we have for your research.
Customized Primary Cell Isolation
You are interested in cells that are not available as a commercial product. We offer our service of customized cell isolation for many human and/or animal primary cells.
Tissue & Cell Sourcing
With our worldwide network we can source compliance-approved tissues and cells for your research & development projects. Just discuss your needs with us and we will try to source tissues or / and cells.
GMP Product Development & Production Services
Thanks to our in-depth knowledge and the many findings from previous clinical studies, we know exactly what is important for the products in the clinical sector. You can also trust us to place your project in our hands.
Because we and our great partners develop and produce in GMP quality.
3D Cell Culture Services & Compound Testing
Yes, we know and love 3D research. Our services include 3D cell culture development, services and production. We also offer compound testing. Your 3D project will take off together with our experience.
Cell Prism® Drug Development Platform
CellPrism® is a drug development platform by our Partner ReachBio offering customizable cell-based in vitro assays using optimally sourced and processed primary cells (blood and bone marrow cells) from multiple species. PELOBiotech mediates these services.
By using primary cells in our assays we’re able to provide clients with the best clinically relevant data, including high content readouts for numerous blood diseases and disorders. Our predictive assays can be applied to a variety of program challenges including neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and immuno-oncology.
Additional Assays
Additional Assays: Cancer Stem Cell and Leukemic CFU Assays, CFC (Colony-Forming Cell) Assays, Myelosuppression & Hematotoxicity Assays.
Additional Services: Biotherapeutics Development Support, Co-Culture Systems, Compound Classes, Custom Cell Biology Research Services, Cytokine Storm Risk Analysis,
Immune Profiling & Flow Cytometry Services, Molecular Biology Services, Pre-Clinical & Clinical Samples, Primary Cell Bank Generation.