BioLife Solutions offers all you need for reproducible thawing and freezing of your cells. You can buy their specialized Cryo-Solutions: CryoStor® CS 2,5,10, Hypothermosol® FRS or BloodStor®. Products are available in GMP quality. Cell thawing is also covered by the ThawSTAR® product family to guarantee reproducible cell thawing of vials and bags.
Overview of our products for BioLife Solutions.

Reproducible Thawing.
Time to unfreeze your cells under optimal, water-free conditions: ThawSTAR® Thawing System replaces unstandardized manual methods of thawing samples with controlled profile thawing and can be leveraged early in the R&D phase and for clinical applications.
Several factors including cell size and choice of cryopreservation media can affect the
- optimal thawing profile,
- viability and
- function
ThawSTAR® instruments will undergo custom tuning using advanced algorithms for the specific product under development, to ensure that the optimal thaw rate and cell health are achieved! For industrial use ask for bags.
Biopreservation media
Achieving success in regenerative medicine, biobanking and drug discovery rely on the shelf life and viability of cells, tissues and organs destined for research or clinical applications. We support your success with high-quality media products for your set-up. Our partner BioLife Solutions Inc. manufactures serum and protein-free cGMP biopreservation media for cells, tissues and organs. The media are based on the novel HypoThermosol® formula and are available with 10%, 5% or 2% DMSO.
Biolife's range of biopreservation products
CryoStor®, a series of cell-specific, optimized freeze media comes with 2,5 or 10% DMSO. It is designed to prepare and preserve cells in ultra-low temperature environments (-70ºC to -196ºC). Special freezing media products for optimized cryopreservation of cells and tissues.
Biopreservation media designed for providing optimized hypothermic, non-frozen storage and shipping stability of cells and tissues. HypoThermosol® FRS is an optimized hypothermic (2-8°C) preservation media that enables improved and extended preservation of cells, tissues and organs.
Used for cryopreservation of cells, stem cells and cellular components extracted from umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood, bone marrow and other biological sources. BloodStor® is a series of generic cGMP freeze media products used to cryopreserve stem cells and other cells isolated from umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood, bonemarrow, and other biologics.
Optimize your freezing conditions to increase cell viability
Cell Thawing Media provides Dextran and saline for washing cryo-preserved cells and tissues to dilute or remove cryoprotectants.
More about BioLife Solutions.
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Behringstrasse 10
82152 Germany
Phone +49 (0) 89 517 286 59 0