amY-kit red. Shipped on dry ice. Store product at -20°C after arrival. For in vitro research only. Not for diagnostic or therapeutic medical application.
The Kit contains the following antibodies (each 1 ml):
No. | Id-No. | Product | Amount (ml) | Dilution** |
1 | Y110 | Anti-AA (mcC) | 1 | 1:30 |
2 | Y130+1 | Anti-ALλ (ULI/LAT) | 1 | 1:500 |
3 | Y140+1 | Anti-ALκ (KRA) | 1 | 1:1000 |
4 | Y180 | Anti-ATTR (TIE) | 1 | 1:800 |
** The dilution is not the final dilution for immunohistochemistry. Just call us for further information.