SpeakersSeries #6: Weekly Speaker announcement for First Annual Conference

From Ovi 12. June 2024 1 min
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With only two weeks left until our first conference, we are very happy to announce our next conference speaker, our very own Dr. Lothar Steeb. Lothar, the LO in PELOBiotech, is one of the founders and currently serves as the CSO and co-CEO.

His talk entitled "From serum-free to xeno-free to defined media" will go through everything you need to know about the alternatives to FBS on the market, and what we have in our portfolio. He will talk about his experiences with these types of media, and will be eager to discuss what is currently in the R&D pipeline.


To register, please sign up here:


#conference #animalfreeresearch #cellculture #invitro #3Rs #stemcells #EVs #celltherapy #tissueengineering #organoids #3dcellculture #serumfree #extracellularvesicles #mscs #alternativestoanimaltesting