PELOAcademy | Certificates of analysis for tissue dissociation enzymes: Practical utility

From KAb 28. April 2023 1 minute

Certificates of Analysis (CoAs) are provided by enzyme suppliers for each lot of product purchased. These CoAs report the results of quality testing and acceptance criteria used to release the product for sale by the primary enzyme manufacturer or reselling companies. The specification limits set by the manufacturer are guided by customer feedback or internal decisions to ensure most lots pass specifications. This webinar will cover the practical utility of CoAs for selecting new lots, correlating human islet isolation outcomes with CoA assay values, and troubleshooting failed isolations. It will review CoA assay results from three manufacturers, identify assay strengths and limitations, and provide recommendations for maximizing the value of these documents.

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#CertificatesofAnalysis #EnzymeSuppliers #IsletIsolation #CoAAssayValues #QualityTesting #ProductAcceptanceCriteria #CollagenaseFunction